Understanding food intolerance
What’s food intolerance?
Food intolerance refers to an inability to digest certain foods. It is important for people to understand that a food intolerance can be different from a food allergy. Around 1/5 of the population is likely to have intolerances.
People with IBS are more likely to have food intolerance than those who suffer from IBS.
There are many differences between food intolerance or food allergy. It is important to remember that they are different things.
What’s the difference between intolerance or allergy?
Although it is possible to have a physical reaction to certain foods, the majority of them are not due to allergy. Some symptoms of intolerance may resemble allergy symptoms, making it difficult to distinguish between them.
An allergy to food can cause the immune system’s immune system to attack multiple organs of the body. Symptoms can vary. A severe allergic reaction can lead to life-threatening complications. However, an intolerance to food is usually less severe and often only affects the digestive system.
People with food intolerances may be able eat small amounts of the food that cause the reaction. However, it is possible to avoid the reaction altogether. This could be an example: If you have lactose intolerance you can drink lactose-free milk, or take lactaids to help with digestion.
There are many possible causes of food intolerances. Although it is not clear what causes them and if they are always caused by one factor, IBS, IBS, sensitivity or recurring stress, psychological impact or celiac disease are the most common.
What are the symptoms of food intolerance?
You may experience symptoms such as stomach pain, wind, diarrhea and skin rashes. These symptoms usually appear within a few hours of ingesting the intolerant food. It can sometimes be hard to determine if you have a food allergy or something else. These symptoms can also be a sign of other conditions, and are not necessarily related to food intolerance. A skin rash could be caused by stress or dermatitis. Wind could also be the result of eating foods which naturally increase your body’s gas production. Bloating, especially in women, can also be a sign of anxiety.
Common food intolerances.
Common food intolerances are those that are most common in people. These include Diary and Gluten, Caffeine and Salicylates. Salicylates, a natural chemical made by plants, are found in fruits or vegetables to protect them from disease and insects. There is also salicylic acid, which is commonly known as aspirin. FODMAPs are a type carbohydrate that is found in certain foods. Sulfites can be found in food and beverages during preparation, storage, distribution, slow browning, discoloration, and sometimes in alcoholic beverages. Finally, fructose, which is fruit sugar, is often found syrups, juices and apples.
What is the best way to test for food intolerance in my home?
A food intolerance test is the best way to determine if you have food intolerance. Although these tests can be performed, they are not always based on scientific evidence. The best way to successfully diagnose food intolerance is to keep track of your symptoms and what foods you eat. Keep a food diary to see how you react to cutting out certain foods and when you introduce it back into your diet.
This is the best way for you to know. A food intolerance test can be done and it will work for most people. However, if you don’t want to take this test, you can monitor your food intake by keeping a food diary. This will allow you to determine if you have intolerance.
What causes food intolerances
As we have discussed, there are many factors that can cause food intolerance. However, it is not always clear why someone is sensitive to a particular food. Sometimes, the body cannot digest a particular food. This is common with lactose intolerance or an intolerance of caffeine or gluten.